Identifying, Supporting and Protecting Girls and Women from FGM (CPD Advanced)

Date & Time:

Wednesday 22 May 2024 (10:00 - 12:30)

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MS Teams,


This event takes place on MS Teams and a link will be sent directly to you by email from the trainer, Barnardo's.  If you havent received the email a couple of days before the course date please check your junk email folder.

Aim: To enhance the understanding and skills of all professionals to act appropriately and confidently to protect and support girls who are at risk or have been subjected to FGM.

This training is designed with the needs of all professionals working with girls and their families in mind. It explores the roles and responsibilities of multi-agency professionals and the processes for handling cases of FGM, including how to discuss FGM with girls, boys and families, key questions to explore and consider, and where to find quality assured resources to assist in such cases. The training will also explore the mandatory reporting duty as it applies in England and Wales for teachers, health professionals and social workers, as well as pathways for referrals, and tools to aid risk assessment.

Some learning outcomes: 

 Gain a greater understanding about what FGM is, reasons for the practice, prevalence and the impact on girls' and women’s lives 

  • Understand the context of FGM within harmful practices to improve holistic safeguarding 
  • Describe key legislation and statutory guidance that determines their personal safeguarding role, including the mandatory reporting duty
  • Understand the process for requesting an FGM Protection Order in England and Wales
  • Be clear about the roles of key services & improve multi-agency working
  • Explore gaps in local provision and how to address these 
  • Consider how to effectively and sustainably engage with girls, boys, their families and communities
  • Gain confidence in dealing with cases of FGM
  • Increase skills in making robust referrals which always highlight the voice of the child
  • Consider how to engage communities on the issues

It is very important that if you book a place on this free event, but later cannot attend that you cancel your place at least 5 days before the event date.  This will enable the place to be offered to delegates on the waiting list and will avoid any non attendance charges being made to your organisation.  Cancellation requests outside of 5 days should be emailed to; 


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:


Barnardo's FGM Centre

Venue Details:

MS Teams,