To use this e-learning system, you will first need to log in or create a user account and once you have done this, you will be able to access courses, manage your training history and download your certificates.

Please note: individuals must create their own account. There is no facility for one person to create an account in their name and book numerous members of staff on separate courses.

eLearning Courses

2025 Right Help, Right Time: Coming Soon - 28905

Following the launch of the 2025 ‘Right Help, Right Time’ (RHRT) guidance. The new training is in process. This is for everyone who works with children, young people and their families in Birmingham. It advises what support is available whatever their needs and is our collective framework and pr...

An Introduction to Equality & Diversity - 26782

This FREE EXTERNAL COURSE on equality and diversity training uncovers the important topics of equality and diversity in society, community, and the workplace. It provides a comprehensive understanding of inclusion, fairness, dignity, and respect. The training is perfect for adults in England seeking...

Channel Awareness e-Learning: - 16804

As this is an external course it will not be recorded in your training history on this booking system.  You will need to keep your own record of completing this elearning. This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at seni...

E-Learning for Health Professionals: Child Sexual Exploitation - 16801

As this is an external course it will not be recorded in your training history on this booking system.  You will need to keep your own record of completing this elearning. Target Group: This Child Sexual Exploitation e-learning introduction module has been specifically designed for Health professi...

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – Free e-learning course - 16800

As this is an external course it will not be recorded in your training history on this booking system.  You will need to keep your own record of this elearning. A recent study revealed that 137,000 women in England and Wales are estimated to be living with the consequences of FGM. To address this i...

Forced Marriage Awareness - 16796

Forced Marriage e-Learning – free e-Learning course: As this is an external course it will not be recorded in your training account on this booking system.  You will need to keep your own record of the elearning. This online course has been developed with the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign O...

Neglect Foundations e-Learning - 23759

This course is designed for Practitioners and Managers from all partner agencies working with children, young people and their families to become aware of how to recognise and respond to neglect. It aims to support professionals in understanding concerns about neglect so that effective levels of sup...

Prevent Awareness eLearning - 16802

As this is an external course it will not be recorded in your training history on this booking system.  You will need to keep your own record of completing this elearning. Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation – free e-Learning resources The Prevent awareness e-Learning has recently been refres...

Referral awareness e-Learning: - 16803

As this is an external course it will not be recorded in your training history on this booking system.  You will need to keep your own record of completing this elearning. This e-Learning course follows on from Prevent Awareness and is designed for anyone who has completed Prevent and Workshop to R...