Safeguarding for Senior, Designated & Operational Managers
Date & Time:
Tell me about future dates of this event
Please note: This training is not the accredited DSL course that is aimed at Schools.
Target Group: Level 3/Health 3
This course is aimed at professional advisors, named and designated lead professionals and operational managers at all levels, practice supervisors and front line managers. This course is not suitable for child-minders.
To ensure operational managers across the inter-agency network understand their requirements and responsibilities with regard to safeguarding children in Birmingham. To understand how these requirements and responsibilities can be met through the effective supervision of safeguarding practice.
Learning Outcomes:
- Baseline knowledge of operational managers legal requirements and responsibilities with regard to safeguarding children under the Children Act, Working Together and Right Help, Right Time
- Knowing how to support & supervise practitioners to increase the use of the Early Help and Request for Support process, to support families
- Knowing how to support & supervise practitioners in making inter-agency referrals to Children’s Social Care
- Knowing how to support & supervise practitioners when there is an escalation of safeguarding concerns when a child is already known to Children’s Social Care
- Knowing how to support & supervise practitioners when there are concerns around another professional’s safeguarding practice
- Knowing how to support & supervise practitioners when there is a disagreement with a Social Worker’s assessment of the risk to a child
- Knowing how to support & supervise practitioners in their participation in Child Protection Conference and other inter-agency processes
- Knowing the specific lessons arising from SCR’s for supervisors and how you will change practice in your organisation to implement these lessons
For our virtual courses…
- Virtual Courses will take place via Microsoft Teams and - to a lesser extent – Zoom.
- Please read the course information, confirmations and any follow up emails carefully during and after your booking process, and follow the instructions for receiving or locating the link to the course. Virtual courses have been re-designed from their usual face to face format, and so some alterations such as the requirement to complete pre-course work (in some instances) are in place for you.
- If your organisation allows it, Microsoft Teams should be downloaded on your device and you should know how to use it prior to training.
- For staff who cannot download Zoom (eg Birmingham Children’s Trust Staff), it will not be necessary to download the Zoom program in order to attend the virtual session.”
When joining a Zoom call:
- Join the call using a browser (internet explorer or Edge) – you must not download the Zoom software
- You must not transfer information to the group on the call (such as files etc.) via Zoom.
- If this is a new partner you are working with you may need to consider if attendees are required to complete a confidentiality agreement (this is separate from the use of Zoom etc.)
It is very important that if you book a place but later cannot attend that you cancel your place at least 5 days before the event date. This will enable the place to be offered to delegates on the waiting list and will avoid any non attendance charges being made to your organisation. Cancellation requests outside of 5 days should be emailed to;
Places Available:
Further Information:
Venue Details:
Car Parking at the Signing Tree
The Signing Tree conference centre is based within the Deaf Cultural Centre, Ladywood Road, B16 8SZ.
Our car park has 15 spaces plus 2 blue badge spaces and is operated on a first come first served basis. The gate for the car park is to the right of the building as you face it. You will need to press the buzzer for BID reception.
We have 2 nearby car parks within 5 minutes’ walk from the venue:
Broadway Plaza -
As you come out of the Broadway Plaza onto Francis Road turn right and walk down the road, Francis Road will lead onto Ladywood Road and the Signing Tree is on the left
There is also a very competitive council car park
As you come out of the car park walk east onto Duchess Road towards Francis Road which will lead onto Ladywood Road and the Signing Tree is on the left
Please note there are on street parking restrictions in place outside the Signing Tree during normal working hours and all delegates need to take special care to read to sign posts
Please contact reception on 0121 246 6100 who will be able to answer any parking or travel questions.