Child Exploitation and Youth Violence
Date & Time:
Tell me about future dates of this event
Target Group: Level 3/Health 3
This Multi-Agency training course will increase Practitioners’ knowledge and confidence in identifying child exploitation and youth violence; and respond effectively to protect. This training is particularly relevant for: Children and family Social Workers, Police officers and CSE coordinators, Head teachers, Safeguarding Leads, Children’s home or residential care staff. Health sector staff including GP’s and nurse’s with safeguarding lead responsibilities.
- Further develop understanding of child exploitation and youth violence, and how to intervene
- Support the early recognition, vulnerability, warning signs, and associated factors of young people who are being exploited and at risk of becoming involved in violence.
- Understand the support that young people/parents/carers can access in Birmingham
- The importance of gathering, recording, retaining information, and appropriate sharing of information as a best practice approach to prevent CSE
- Understand how to refer potential victims of child exploitation and statutory response
- Explore the links between child exploitation, ‘criminal exploitation’ and ‘County Lines’.
Learning Outcomes:
- Recognise and understand what constitutes CE, identify different models of child exploitation, agencies roles and responsibilities in investigating, preventing and disrupting child exploitation
- How to make a referral and understand the assessment process, including child exploitation screening tool, and Request for Support
- To understand the purpose of a complex strategy meeting the role, its purpose and function and how to prepare.
- How to support children through the referral process and the importance of appropriate language
- Where to go for advice and support
For our virtual courses…
- Virtual Courses will take place via Microsoft Teams and - to a lesser extent – Zoom.
- Please read the course information, confirmations and any follow up emails carefully during and after your booking process, and follow the instructions for receiving or locating the link to the course. Virtual courses have been re-designed from their usual face to face format, and so some alterations such as the requirement to complete pre-course work (in some instances) are in place for you.
- If your organisation allows it, Microsoft Teams should be downloaded on your device and you should know how to use it prior to training.
- For staff who cannot download Zoom (eg Birmingham Children’s Trust Staff), it will not be necessary to download the Zoom program in order to attend the virtual session.”
When joining a Zoom call: (for delegates)
- Join the call using a browser (internet explorer or Edge) – you must not download the Zoom software
- You must not transfer information to the group on the call (such as files etc.) via Zoom.
- If this is a new partner you are working with you may need to consider if attendees are required to complete a confidentiality agreement (this is separate from the use of Zoom etc.)
It is very important that if you book a place but later cannot attend that you cancel your place at least 5 days before the event date. This will enable the place to be offered to delegates on the waiting list and will avoid any non attendance charges being made to your organisation. Cancellation requests outside of 5 days should be emailed to;