Safeguarding Disabled Children & Young People

Date & Time:

Monday 20 January 2025 (09:30 - 16:30)

Tell me about future dates of this event


Hollyfields Centre Club, Woodacre Road Birmingham B24 0JT


Target Group:  

This course is relevant to members of the workforce who work predominantly with disabled children, young people and/or their parents / carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.


To develop effectiveness, competence and confidence in safeguarding disabled children considering racial, ethnic, cultural, linguistic and social groups.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand and explore the reasons why disabled children are particularly vulnerable to abuse
  • Understand and practice ways in which workers can help to reduce that vulnerability
  • Understand the role of other practitioners and agencies in supporting and advising disabled children, young  people and their families
  • Understand the role of other practitioners and agencies when safeguarding and promoting the welfare of disabled children, young people and the impact of decisions and actions on those involved
  • Be able to communicate effectively and develop working relationships with disabled children, young people and their families and practitioners/professionals in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
  • Have the confidence to challenge your own and other's practice
  • Develop an enhanced understanding of children and young people's diverse needs in relation to disability and safeguarding
  • It is very important that if you book a place but later cannot attend that you cancel your place at least 5 days before the event date.  This will enable the place to be offered to delegates on the waiting list and will avoid any non attendance charges being made to your organisation.  Cancellation requests outside of 5 days should be emailed to; 


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:


0121 464 2612



Venue Details:

Hollyfields Centre Club, Woodacre Road Birmingham B24 0JT